Over the years, I've learned that policies ensure a smooth journey together. We have a clear system of expectations for our learners, parents and staff.
There are no make-ups, refunds or credits for any missed sessions - which is what you see in the widely accepted childcare model.
Your commitment as a member of the LearnLee community is valued.
Our tutors are consistently compensated for all scheduled appointments.
According to the CDC, students should stay home until they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicine. Even if a fever is reduced with medicine, students should still stay home because the medicine only temporarily reduces the fever and doesn't treat the underlying illness.
NO TUTORING on 1/20, 2/17, 3/10-3/24, 4/18, 4/21 *We follow recommendations from Leander ISD for inclement weather closures, holidays, and professional development days
We follow the local Leander Independent School District Calendar & School Closures.
Tutoring sessions are not held on LISD school holidays, LISD weather closures or LISD professional development days. We do not offer refunds or makeups for inclement weather. Please make the safest choice for your family.
Safely call or text your tutor and leave a message to let them know about the cancellation; if texting, please add Nicole (512.550.1820) to the thread.
CALL OR TEXT 512.550.1820
EMAIL Nicole@LearnLee.com